Never be without a bag for those essential shopping purchases. And even better, it folds back up into a watermelon shape afterward, so doesn't look out of place in your handbag, or in the kitchen! No more forgotten bags or bulky items taking up much-needed space - just slip it into your pocket or purse and have it ready to go. Enjoy all the convenience of a shopping bag with none of the hassles! No more trips back to the store because you forgot your bag - Fruitiful Watermelon Reusable Shopping Bag is always conveniently tucked away in your pocket or purse. Plus, it packs away neatly into a watermelon shape when not in use, so it won't take up an unnecessary amount of space. Enjoy the convenience of a shopping bag with none of the hassles!
Description : Dimensions : 39 x 41cm. Materials : Polyester.